Ben's Blog

Worthy Words for Inspired Ideas

  • People draw inspiration from many places. Some are even ordinary, everyday items. Take, for instance, the morning coffee many of us drink each day.

    Coffee is a passion for me, and the day’s first cup is always a simple latte. I make it myself, keeping the milk added to a minimum as I don’t like diluting the espresso too much. It’s just enough to make some latte art if I feel so inclined.

    So, why do I tell you all that? Why would you care? I know it’s boring as hell. Well, it’s because it created a train of thought that connected to much bigger things in life. This lowly, common cup of coffee was telling me something.

    No, I didn’t hear voices. Allow me to explain. Over the years, latte has become a passion. Not necessarily the art, but the aroma and taste. But after a while, I realized the art I made was a snapshot of my mind’s state on that particular morning. Latte art is difficult, and I am not very good at it. If I pay attention and apply myself, I can make something okay, even on days when I feel off.

    Centered, okay day.

    Sometimes, I wonder if the steamed milk patterns would be readable by elderly gypsies, revealing my future. You know the ones, the wise old women that read tea leaves. Why not milk patterns in a latte? Yeah, it’s a weird thought, I tell myself. But then another idea hits me.

    Does my writing vary like the latte art? Each day, does my focus and style change? It’s a fair question, but I hate it. Because it means my writing quality varies day to day. However, the battle to write somedays may not always be “writer’s block.” It’s simply the human struggle we all endure.

    Even on off days, if I apply myself, my latte art is better than it should be. The reverse is true, too. If my mind wanders, the final appearance is less than it ought to be. The same is true with almost everything. It’s just the way we humans function. On the days we feel off, we need to push through it, deal with it, and be the person we want and need to be.

    Off-center, muddled!

    Writing takes focus and care, just like latte art, every day. I guess that’s true for many things in life like love and relationships, too.

    Now, every morning as I sit at my desk, I take it as a reminder to concentrate and apply myself with the first cup of coffee in front of me. Even if I feel off. Of course, deep down, I have known this even as a child. You know, stop and smell the roses, appreciate all the beauty around us and take it in. All that stuff, and try to be a good, caring person every day. But it was buried down deep and mixed in with all the other things.

    However, the lesson in my espresso drink forces me to confront the issue daily. Not just to be a better writer, but to be a better person. For a simple, everyday item, even a cup of coffee can become an essential part of who we are.

    Thanks if you made it this far. I’ll finish by wondering if finding inspiration in small things like coffee is normal. I sure hope so. But if not, at least I haven’t tried to find a gypsy to read the milk swirls – yet. In the meantime, let me know if you have had any similar experiences. I would love to hear about it.

  • Thanks for reading the entire piece and thank to all my clients that have kept me employed over the 10 last years.

  • Blogging is not my thing. It means sharing feelings and thoughts, which I have never been accused of doing well. There is so much to write already, so many characters to create and stories to tell. So blogging has always fallen off my radar.

    But I have relented. Blogs are part of being a writer, so I finally started one. I almost used the George R. R. Martin title of Not a Blog, since I know my posts will likely be too few to qualify. Nevertheless, I hope to post something that tickles your fancy or makes you think a little. Welcome and thanks for visiting.
